My Favorit' Things
These items below are my favorite things to care for my body inside and out.
All Natural and Organic Ingredients! This is the safest and simplest remedy for a hangover. I leave them by my bedside table.
After having a few drinks or you drank like a fish, just take one Hangover Helper capsule after your done drinking and then one in the morning, if needed. You’ll feel like a million bucks!
Customize your Packaging
for Various Occasions or Mood!
We carry a wide selection of packaging options for you to choose from, including cards, tins in a rainbow of colors, and more. We offer a wide selection of inspiring quotes to choose from, or carefully curate your own message. The choice is yours, and the fun is guaranteed! Contact us @ 248.425.1750 or rejuorganics@gmail.com for more information.
All Natural and Organic Ingredients!
Feeling Under the Weather? If you have to get things done and you don’t feel like doing anything take a Feel Good Pill. It is a huge anti-inflammatory solution that is easy on your body! Has been known to help with aches and pain, headaches, nausea, low energy, and stress. May stimulate energy levels to create a sense of motivation to get things done or have fun!
Each package contains 2 capsules. Take 1-2 capsules Shop
“I took one of these “Feel Good Pills” one day because I had was feeling yucky and I had so many things to get done that day. And WOW, I was sitting on the couch kind of tired and about 20 minutes later I popped up and started doing what I was supposed to do that day. I just felt like someone nudged me to get up. I felt so good that I accomplished so much.
“I need those!”
Nancy M.
I couldn’t believe it worked. My husband and I usually have a weekly date night – although it doesn’t always happen because I am usually exhausted. This is why I purchased these Feel good pills. I actually felt like going out this time.
I was running around doing errands and I was just tired. I remembered that I had a packet of Feel Good Pills in my purse and I took one. I ended up finishing my errands for the week. Wow, unbelievable!
My friend gave me one of these pills while we were sitting and having lunch. I was complaining to her about being overwhelmed with work and all. But after about 20 minutes I felt like being there. To be honest, I didn’t feel like going to lunch, but I promised her.
The kids had their soccer practices at two different places and of course they were bickering back and forth in the car. I had such a headache. My headache finally went away after I took one of these pills. Joy came back in my life that day!
These are a life saver!
The Truth about Dry Brushing
I have very dry skin and I find dry brushing 1 - 3 times a week prior taking a shower and then I apply the Manuka Honey Skin Treatment within 3 minutes. I apply the cream 2 times a day!
What is dry brushing?
Dry brushing your skin is a body massage with a dry, stiff-bristled brush that’s said to help get rid of flaky skin, increase circulation, detoxify, help digestion – and even improve the appearance of cellulite.
Benefits of dry brushing
“Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage,” says Dr. Khetarpal.
What brush should I use to dry brush?
Some bristles are stiffer than others, and it depends on your skin’s sensitivity and preference. The long handle is helpful for tough-to-reach areas like your back. If you notice redness, swelling or inflammation while brushing, stop right away.
Also, never dry brush over moles, warts, or raised bumps among many other things. See your dermatologist if you have questions.
“Do not use dry brush or cloth on skin that’s broken. This includes cuts, scrapes, lesions, sores or burned skin, including sunburns,” she adds. “Don’t ever brush over areas of infection, redness or general irritation, inflammation, cellulitis or skin cancer. Stop dry brushing if skin becomes irritated or inflamed.”
When should I dry brush?
The best time to dry brush is just before a shower. Then you can wash off any dead skin cells and flaky skin. Be sure to apply Reju’Organics Cream afterwards to allow moisture back into your skin.
How do I dry brush my skin?
Using a natural bristled brush, start with the your upper chest with gentle long fluid down strokes from shoulder to above your breasts. You may gently brush your neck area with an upward motion. Then brush your feet and ankles. Then brush with long fluid upward strokes on thighs, and then lower legs. Then brush in circular motion your buttocks, stomach area, and gently on breasts. Then brush on upper and lower back. The back is a little tricky, do the best of one’s ability. Then brush the front and back of hands. Then with long fluid upper strokes to upper arms, and then lower arms.
A few overlapping swipes per area is all you need. We suggest 7 times each area. If you go over the same area for too long, you can cause irritation or bleeding.
Can dry brushing get rid of cellulite?
There is no proof dry brushing your skin reduces cellulite or the appearance of cellulite — this claim isn’t supported by any scientific evidence.. “Remember, make sure you begin the process by getting to know your skin first and giving it a look to see if there are any areas to avoid,” she emphasizes. “If you notice any concerning changes in your skin make an appointment with your dermatologist, especially before you begin any change in your skincare routine.”